New Year’s Closet Resolution: Part II

Now that your closet organized, let’s take on the trickier part: rules/lists for 2023

clothing purchases.

Let’s start with the easiest—identify permanently stained or overworn clothing that can’t

even be used layering. This is your first pile; make a list of the items.

Next, collect ill-fitting garments, or those you skip over when dressing. Place this pile in

a bag or another closet—it’s likely on its way out. Give it two months and if you haven’t

missed any of these items, donate them.

Now, count your like items—do you have 5 white button-downs? Choose the best two,

donating the others. Everyone has a garment they love but have yet to find the right

one, or we don’t want to invest in THE one. Make a list of these garments as you

gravitate toward buying them, but they’re something you already own.

Finally, assess basics you’re missing, creating a third list. Basics are generally solid-

colored neutrals. Though it sounds boring, these items are the workhorse of your

closet, and you should have at least one of each: nice jeans, pants, short and long-

sleeved t-shirts and tops, a versatile sweater, and a blazer/jacket.

You’ve ended up with three lists: items that need replacing; items you tend to buy but

already own; and the basics you’re missing. Save this list on your phone, so you’ll

always have it.

We typically don’t shop with such precision, but instead it’s event driven or strikes our

fancy. The result are pieces that don’t work well together, something you can avoid by

using your new lists.

Tammy’s Truism: To have the best functioning wardrobe, I recommend basing it on

three colors which work for you.

Tammy Cameron

Tammy Cameron is the founder of Elevated Image. Tammy has a vast knowledge of what it is like to be a client in a high end market. Tammy has a balanced approach of between casual and cosmopolitan levels of fashion. Her belief is that clothes should work for YOU.


Determining Your Clothing Needs


New Year’s Closet Resolution