Dressing for the Virtual Meeting
With the regular use of online meetings, you need to pay attention to how you dress just as if you were in person. There are several things to consider which may be unique to the online meeting: the undertone of your surrounding environment, as well as your own.
Shopping While On Vacation
Vacation is a time to recharge and spend time with family, trying a new restaurant, be it for lunch or dinner, and needed downtime. I always have a little time set aside for shopping too.
Jimmy Choo Bon Bon Bucket
After a few weeks of use, the Bon Bon has been put to the test and it does not disappoint. It is both an eye-catching neutral piece while being quiet luxury all the way.
Dressing for Travel
In that moment, I realized people may need suggestions on what to wear, while traveling, since flying has become the same as riding the bus these days. Gone is all the glamour of flying but that doesn’t excuse the dress.
Packing for Summer Travel
We are in peak travel and tourist season and the skies are more crowded than ever! With a few helpful hints, you can reduce your travel and packing stress.
The Drawstring Pant and Short
In every season the drawstring paper bag waist makes an appearance, but it is particularly pervasive in summer, whether it be a pant or short. Everyone has their fashion peeves, and this one is mine.
The Summer Sweater
Throughout the summer, though temperature swings aren’t as significant, a sweater is something I never leave the house without. Also adding a sweater finishes any look.
Linen: What to Look For
For years, I’ve coveted the summer linen look which I’ve always admired on others. However, when I’ve tried it, I feel like a rumpled mess that got left in the drier too long.
Dressing to Network
Whether you’re seeking a new job, or doing your job, everyone needs to network to some extent. In terms of dress, this is a bit tricky because when networking, it’s not a formal interview you’re dressing for, but you want to make a good impression.
Closet Organization
Once you’ve finished your spring closet clean, the next step is organizing. Before beginning, think about how you utilize your closet, keeping in mind what you use often and what takes up the most space.
Spring Travel
When planning a non-beach trip for spring, the weather may be cool and damp, but you may also have the opportunity for some warmer days. If you’re planning on an active trip—spending time outside and hiking and sightseeing, the best advice is layers, layers, and more layers.
Improving Self-Confidence Through Clothing
Standing in your closet, not knowing what you’re going to wear, is one thing but when you’re feeling drab or not your prettiest is a different matter. It seems to follow you like a little cloud all day.
Spring Closet Clean
Now that we’re in full swing, include your closet in your spring cleaning, dedicating one day for your closet. If that’s too overwhelming, do it by item—pants, sweaters, etc. each a different day.
The Next Big Trend: Palm Royale
As is with any trend, make sure it reflects your personal style otherwise you won’t wear it.
Ladylike Silhouettes and Florals
Last season’s trend of the ladylike jacket has exploded onto the scene for spring and now includes floral garments with ladylike silhouettes. Overall, this is more timeless than trendy and essentially is “quiet luxury” with a pop of color.
Shopping Survival Guide
Tammy’s Truism: A good salesperson is critical to making the trip manageable. Don’t buy something you don’t like to avoid leaving empty-handed.
Dressing to Shop
Patience is key, know it takes about 4 garments before you find 1
that works for you; in many ways it’s a game of volume. When shopping for pants or a
dress, take the shoes you typically wear in case the garment needs hemming.
To Trend or Not to Trend
It’s easy to get distracted by trends, particularly when you see it everywhere, however, it’s not the universe saying, “buy me”. There are enough trends in every season that fit your shape and coloring.
The Power of the Perfect Piece
Have you ever gone shopping, looking for the “perfect piece” to add to your wardrobe??
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